About the speakers and the organizing committee:

Stefano Arduini is Full professor of Linguistics at Link Campus University of Rome (Italy). He was professor of General Linguistics at the University of Urbino, at the University of International Studies of Rome and professor of Linguistics at the University of Modena (Italy). He is honorary professor of the Universidad Nacional San Marcos of Lima (Perù) where he was visiting professor in 2003. He has also been visiting professor at the universities of Alicante and Madrid (Autónoma) in Spain. He is President of the San Pellegrino Unicampus Foundation (www.fusp.it), co-director of the Nida School of Translation Studies and senior consultant of the Nida Institute in Philadelphia. In 2012, proposed by the Governing Council, he has been named Miembro Honorario of the Asociación Latinoamericana de Retórica. He is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Centre of Documentation and Research on Textual-Semiotics and Multimediality of University of Macerata (Italy), founded by Janos S. Petöfi. He is the director of the series Linguistica e Traduzione of Libreriauniversitaria.it Publishing (Padova) and a member of the Editorial Board of Eurilink University Press. He is a member of the Scientific Committees of the series L&L-LINGUA E LINGUE (Loescher editore, Turin) and Quintiliano, Retórica y Comunicación (Universidad de la Rioja, Spain). He was the director of the series Polus Rethorica (Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, Rome). Arduini is one of the founders and a member of the Editorial Board of Translation (http://translation.fusp.it/). He is a member of the Advisory Board of Hermeneus (Università di Valladolid, Spagna), Tonos - Revista de Estudios Filólogicos (Università di Murcia, Spain) and a member of the Editorial Board of the journal Analisi Linguistica e Letteraria of the Catholic University of Milan. He was a member of the Scientific Committee of the Journal of Jordan Translator Association (Irbid University - Jordan).

Roberta Fabbri is director of SSML San Pellegrino where she teaches General Linguistics and Translation Theory. She is also the Academic Coordinator for the postgraduate course in Literary Translation, "Tradurre la letteratura". Her areas of special interest and research are translation, Italian linguistics and cognitive grammar (field in which she was awarded a Phd). She has published (with Stefano Arduini) Che cos’è la linguistica cognitiva, Roma, Carocci, 2008 and other articles on Linguistics and on the education of translators. On behalf of Fusp, she took part in the European literary translation project PETRA-E and now she is board member of the European PETRA-E Network that succeeded the PETRA-E project.

Waltraud Kolb is Assistant Professor of Literary Translation at the Center for Translation Studies at the University of Vienna. One recent focus of her research is on digital tools and machine translation in the literary field and literary translation and post-editing processes. She is also a professional translator and a member of the executive board of the Austrian Association of Literary Translators.

Goedele De Sterck holds a degree in Romance Philology from the University of Leuven and a PhD in Spanish Linguistics from the University of Salamanca, where she works as a lecturer and researcher in the Department of Translation and Interpreting. In addition to teaching and research, she is also active as a literary translator. She has translated over 100 books. These include fiction, non-fiction, graphic novels and children's literature by Flemish and Dutch authors. In 2018, she was awarded the National Translation Prize for a Lifetime Achievement by the Dutch Foundation for Literature in recognition of her work as a cultural ambassador and literary translator from Dutch into Spanish. Her main areas of interest are comparative (literary) translation research in Germanic and Romance languages, the use of tools (CL, TM, NMT and AI) in the literary translation process and the intersection of translation and neology. She has been involved in the study of languages, literatures, texts, cultures and the dialogue between them for more than 30 years.

Duncan Large is Executive Director of the British Centre for Literary Translation at the University of East Anglia in Norwich. He is Professor of European Literature and Translation at UEA, having taught previously at the Universities of Oxford, Paris III (Sorbonne Nouvelle), Dublin (Trinity College) and Swansea. He also chairs the PETRA-E Network of European institutions dedicated to the education and training of literary translators. Duncan researches widely in modern German literature and thought (especially the work of Friedrich Nietzsche), in comparative literature and translation studies. He has authored and edited six books about Nietzsche and German philosophy; he has also published two Nietzsche translations with Oxford World’s Classics (Twilight of the Idols, Ecce Homo), and one translation from the French (Sarah Kofman’s Nietzsche and Metaphor). With Jacob Blakesley (Sapienza, Rome) he is Editor of the monograph series Routledge Studies in Literary Translation; with Alan D. Schrift and Adrian Del Caro he is General Editor of The Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche (Stanford University Press). His latest book publications are the co-edited volumes Untranslatability: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Routledge, 2018) and Nietzsche’s "Ecce Homo" (de Gruyter, 2021).

Franco Nasi (Reggio Emilia, Italy 1956) is former Professor of American Literature and Theory of Translation at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, where he served for more than twenty years (2001-2023). He has taught as a visiting professor at Loyola University (Chicago 1995-1998), The University of Chicago (1998-2001), University of  Puerto Rico in Mayagüez (2010), Beijing Languages and Cultures University di Pechino (2018), and is now Professor of American and Comparative Literature at the Fondazione Unicampus San Pellegrino, Rimini. His research interests include Comparative Literature, Theory and History of Translation, Aesthetics, History of Criticism and Poetics. He has published and edited several books on Translation Studies, among which Poetiche in transito (Medusa 2004); La malinconia del traduttore (Medusa 2008); Specchi Comunicanti (Medusa 2010), Traduzioni estreme (Quodlibet 2015); L’artefice aggiunto (with Angela Albanese, Longo 2015); Tradurre l'errore (Quodlibet 2021), and translated volumes of English and American authors including S. T. Coleridge, W. Wordsworth, J. S. Mill, W. Whitman and contemporary poets such as Billy Collins and Roger McGough.

Paschalis Nikolaou is Associate Professor in Literary Translation at the Ionian University, Greece.  He is the author of Creative Classical Translation (CUP, 2023) and The Return of Pytheas: Scenes from British and Greek Poetry in Dialogue (Shearsman Books, 2017).  His essays have appeared in several edited volumes, including a co-written chapter on ‘Translating Poetry’ for The Cambridge Handbook of Translation, ed. Kirsten Malmkjær (CUP, 2022).  In the Spring of 2021, he held a Fulbright Fellowship in the Department of Classics at Ohio State University.

Cecilia Rossi is Professor of Literature and Translation at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, where she convenes the MA in Literary Translation and works for British Centre for Literary Translation (BCLT) as Postgraduate and Professional Liaison. She contributed chapters on translation and creativity to The Routledge Handbook of Literary Translation and The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Culture (2018). Since 2019 she has been working with the AATI (Argentine Association of Translators and Interpreters) and researchers at UNSAM (Universidad Nacional de San Martín) on the Translation and the Revitalisation of Indigenous and Minoritised Languages project. Her latest translation, Alejandra Pizarnik’s The Last Innocence and The Lost Adventures (Ugly Duckling Presse), was shortlisted for the National Translation Awards for Poetry (ALTA) in 2020.

Gea Schelhaas is the director of the ELV (Centre of Expertise for Literary Translation). On behalf of the ELV, she participates in the European PETRA-E network. After attaining her degree in Dutch Language and Literature from the University of Utrecht, her first job was as an editor at BulkBoek Publishing. From 1999 onwards she held several Communications positions at the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of The Netherlands, in The Hague. Currently, she is working on a website about ‘The Hollandsche Lelie’ (The Dutch Lily) a magazine for young ladies that was issued from 1887 to 1933 (www.dehollandschelelie.nl). 

Karlijn Waterman is senior policy officer at the Union for the Dutch Language (Nederlandse Taalunie). She is contact for Dutch Studies in North and South America, the Mediterranean Region and South Africa. She coordinates the policy program of the Union for the Dutch language for translation, which covers the support of teaching all types of translation in Dutch studies worldwide, monitoring the infrastructure for Dutch Language translation and the Centre of Expertise for Literary Translation. She is board member of the European PETRA-E Network on the education of literary translators, that succeeded the PETRA-E project. Previously she was secretary of the board of the Centre of Expertise for Literary Translation (ELV), and initiated in that capacity the European literary translation project PETRA-E.

Gys-Walt van Egdom holds a doctor's degree in Linguistics and Literary Studies, along with a master's degree in Translation Studies. He is currently affiliated to Utrecht University as a lecturer specialising in translation and Translation Studies. His expertise spans across translation didactics, translation evaluation, translation ethics, translation processes, AI translation and human-computer interaction. In the academic year 2022-2023, Van Egdom assumed the position of the Émile Verhaeren Chair at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Since the fall of 2023, he has been actively contributing to the Expertisecentrum Literair Vertalen as a staff member. Additionally, he was recently appointed as a board member of the VertalersVakschool.